We provide service with our professional and respectful drivers who have high navigation skills and have received advanced driving technical training.
People who emphasize their physical performance and skills in the selection of drivers, can communicate perfectly, manage their job with pleasure, give confidence and are open to development are the reason for our team’s preference.
Those who prefer to join and be a part of our team, after all necessary inquiries such as criminal record, alcohol and drugs, GBT, and periodic examinations are made at the hospitals of the Ministry of Health, they successfully complete our advanced theoretical and practical training program and start their service as a qualified member.
All drivers are reviewed once a year in the Driver Evaluation Program implemented by our company. Driving skills are tested, customer relations are audited, and those who compromise safety are reported to be dismissed by the evaluator because they are in the risk area.
Proje kapsamında hizmet veren tüm sürücü ve proje sorumlusunda hizmetleri süresince açık vaziyette GSM telefonu bulunacaktır. Bu telefon numaraları hizmet başlangıcı ile evrak teslim aşamasında ilgili firmalara teslim edilecektir.
Comprehensive inquiries for Determination of Driver Competence
- Criminal Investigation issued by the judicial authorities (It must be renewed every six months)
- GBT Inquiry given by the Police Traffic Branch (Annual renewal is required)
- Addiction Questionnaire given by the SSI Hospital Board (Mandatory to be renewed annually)
- Health Inquiry given by the SGK Hospital Board (Annual renewal is mandatory)
- Porter Questionnaire given by SGK Laboratories (Mandatory for first job participation)
- Inquiry of Psychiatric Tests by Pedagogues (Mandatory every five years)
- Reports given by Advanced Driving Techniques Instructors ( Annual renewal is mandatory
- Education level inquiry given by the Ministry of National Education (Mandatory for participation in the first job)
- SRC Commercial Vehicle Driving Certificate issued by the Ministry of Transport (Mandatory for the first job participation)
The safety of those who are transported and those who provide it is our priority!